Image of an opague Irish flag to the left with a Russian warplane speeding towards it in sky filling up with clouds.

Worry As Russian Meddling Threatens Irish National Security

Irish National Security has been the subject of muted debate, and yet, no less serious since the Russian escalation of hostilities against Western democracies. So, think of a Russian flotilla of warships conducting missile exercises off the south coast of Ireland, and the story does not end there.

Then think of Russian spies supporting its network of Irish-based surrogates in the spread of weaponized false narratives over digital means. Then think of the sudden and aggressive rise of the far-right in Ireland; a nation who has historically abhorred extremism in all its forms. Integrated into many layers, including military offensive capability, this Russian sponsored orchestration is harming our society, and will continue if unchecked.

Russian Meddling in Irish National Security Affairs

Our hampered public discourse over our military capability as a non-aligned nation has had some fiercely accurate contributions. This is, despite Russian disinformation, pushed over digital means. Designed to derail any productive discourse, the skewing of accurate contributions about our naval capacity to police our waters became brazenly disrupted by their surrogate network. 

From Terror to Valor: Echoes and Shadows, available for sale from September 11th, 2024.

Also of note was their disruption of discourse about Irish air security via ground radar and air-interceptor capabilities. Both are still fiercely relevant today. 

What does Ireland actually need for a National Security upgrade?

Our location, once remote from the desires of warring nations, is no longer a defence. We have become a target, as shown by Russia’s behavior towards Ireland, and our people. Despite their meddling, we still need warships to police our large territorial waters, and high-level air defence to stop Russian bombers from routinely flying over our airspace. 

Thinking about the future, this is required to remove unchallenged bombing of our cities as an option for the Putin regime, or anybody else with murderous intent towards us. For adamant detractors, Russia is currently flying bombers over Irish airspace. They are not doing it for kicks and giggles. They have a strategic reason for this focus. Circumstance as it stands makes it hard to see at first glance, but for the Putin regime, it is there.

National Security is a Transnational Concern

So, as the global game of geo-political posturing towards war continues, the intelligence agencies of the free world have not been idle in their daily pursuits. The United States has deployed spy planes to Europe, and is mapping out Russian radar installations. This move is a strategic requirement that applies to forward military-planning, as much as the digital disinformation war we experience every time we log into social media.

Russian espionage activities are currently so aggressive, and so frequent against the West, spy agencies from the United Kingdom and the United States have gone public to bemoan this headline grabbing escalation. In a joint co-written article, the heads of the CIA and MI6 made some good points, which were picked up by the BBC

They covered many areas, including the challenge presented as a whole to the established world order. They also covered Russia’s campaign of conquest, which is nowhere near over, and the indirect opportunities being seized upon by terror groups like ISIS. Wagner Group, once again, rang through my head when I was reading this BBC article.

Looking Forward With A New Perspective

Leaving aside historic name calling from senior members of foreign security services about Irish Government brinksmanship on National Security, one should consider what matters for our children’s safe future. Shameless hybrid warfare strategies by the Putin regime have fooled parts of our society into believing an alternate reality, where Russia will be their liberators. From what, or from whom, is anybody’s guess.

In reality, it is the opposite. Russia, in fact, is a ruthless slave-master, who considers them as cheap labor, and surrogates in their subversion networks. Absolute control gives the illusion of security, when it really is a method of driving harmful actions by the individual against their own best interests. It took Russia, and their transnational partners, years to perfect their form of hybrid warfare, and now they are using it on us. 

When we realize this, we have taken our first important step as we break their spell over us. Only then can honest discourse on our national security prevail. We are a rich nation who can afford to take thoughtful steps to secure our future as a democracy. Done correctly, we can write a new book in how we innovatively structure our approach and implement a new era of defence. Such decisions and follow-through will be in a world that has once again become dangerous to those who are free.

About the Author

John is a versatile author known for his gripping fiction narratives in the thriller, action, and suspense genres. With a background as a journalist since 2016, and expertise in cloud technologies as an engineer; John brings a unique blend of storytelling prowess and technical acumen to his work.

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