Image of waves cresting onto a sunny beach, with a rendition of a quantium mirror refracting light in the center of the image as an opague frame.

Quantum Wavelengths Always Existed In A SciFi Reality

Over the last decade, my exploration of physics has led to some ‘aha’ moments. Honestly, it would have been very useful decades ago when I was choosing a career path. As a writer, I find myself immersed, once again, in the world of science and science fiction. All we know in this world starts off with curiosity and exploration. Physics is a prime example of this based human need.

The quantification aspect of so many theories I explored made me wonder if the hit TV series, The Big Bang Theory, was a documentary, and not a comedy. In the drafting of chapters for my science fiction web serial, Hindsight Station, I resumed a more serious mindset.

Wavelengths Are Us, But Are We Wavelengths?

My curiosity about quantum wavelengths triggered a recall about subatomic wavelengths in the real world. Enter the one physics theory I explored, which broke the structured mold. It has a sexy ‘grey area’ to it. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is a theory regarding subatomic wavelengths.

The site, does a great job of explaining it. In short, you cannot know the location of a wave and accurately measure it at the same time. The more detailed your measurement, the less you can see of the location of the wave, and vice versa. So if we are all wavelengths, does our matter based existence rely on our bias towards location of waves, rather than their measurement?

Where Fact And Fiction Meet

Our ever changing world has many forces governing it, but all have interaction with wavelengths and energy. Science estimates every human breath produces approximately 30 Ohms of charge, which can vaporize a human, if it ever escaped the quantum realm. As matter-based beings, can we harness even a fraction of this power to become more sustainable as a species?

I explore this as a thread of Hindsight Station. What we know meets the void of what we do not know. Courage, fortitude, and selflessness all permeate the narrative of discovery. Quantum wavelengths act as a bridge into whole new worlds we cannot even see. The context of atomic existence, sub-atomic realities, and how wavelengths permeate them all, can change our view of everything.

Wavelengths Travel, Can We?

When villains rant on about being buried on a beach in Mars, while abandoning the earth to do so, I find comfort in their expression of hubris. The antagonists in Hindsight Station are not unremoved from such closed conventions, where the universe can only exist to the boundaries of their ego.

The reality of our universe beckons to all who will listen. If an electron can travel between dimensions, then so can our understanding. Our need to explore must outweigh our fear of the unknown. If sub-atomic particles can manipulate matter, then maybe more than elections are capable of instantaneous travel.

The boundaries of our existence may seem limited by our understanding. In truth, when we understand our own fear, we clearly see what we accept, and what we now have the courage to explore. Let’s grab our hats and get to work, the future is waiting to be told.

About the Author

As I move onto my next authoring project, I will post less frequently on the real-world issues linked to my novel, From Terror to Valor: Echoes and Shadows. My next project, Hindsight Station, will initially be a progression science fiction, web-novel delivered via Patreon and eventually Royal Road.

John is a versatile author known for his gripping fiction narratives in the thriller, action, and suspense genres. With a background as a journalist since 2016, and expertise in cloud technologies as an engineer; John brings a unique blend of storytelling prowess and technical acumen to his work.

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