To the left, a secret agent with fair hair, ray ban glasses and a striped shirt and side arm, and From Terror to Valor novel cover to the right.

From Terror to Valor Seeks Out The Invisible War

It’s finally here, From Terror to Valor: Echoes and Shadows! I wrote prior about some of my research, and background on this novel project. As its on general release, I suppose it’s good to reflect on it some more. If you every felt that we were involved in an “invisible war” to use the words of Sir Ian Fleming RIP, then you are correct.

My research into multiple areas left me with some disturbing feelings that my fictional story was closer to this invisible world, then I ever realised. Regardless, the research continued with enthusiasm and pace, which has brought me here today. As my audiobook is deploying to the remaining retailers, its thrilling to see From Terror to Valor for sale, and accessible to you for your reading pleasure.

From Terror to Valor: Echoes and Shadows, available for sale from September 11th, 2024.

To let you in on a secret, I produced the Audiobook mid-project after a few of my contacts informed me about the attraction for audiobook listeners, and why it is a must for every novel project. My enthusiasm led to many long days, and six weeks reallocated from book promotion and marketing.

Condensing book promotion is rarely a good idea, and even at this early stage, I have to agree. However, overlooking Audiobooks was the bigger error. With this realization, coffee, hard charging, and determination become my allies in making From Terror to Valor happen over three, instead of two formats.

Radio Interviews With Wonderful People

Promotions took off late, and will extend post deployment for some time. I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Austin Comerton, from Irish Radio Canada. This lovely community radio station brings a true Irish charm to Canada. We had a wonderful discussion about my novel from an Irish context. Considering two of the supporting characters are Irish, it was only fitting.

Irish Tech News was my second interview, where I had the pleasure of chatting with Ronan Leonard, who hosted me on his podcast. We talked about the book, and the factual context to my fictional story. I had the pleasure to discuss and compare some characters to their nearest real world counterparts. Understandably, there were no direct matches as it is a work of fiction.

You can find my interview with Ronan from Irish Tech News here.

As I seek more interviews, I shall include them in my social media focus as I promote my new publication. My goal is to land my story in the hands of as many readers as possible. Those interested in the escalating nature of aggression in world politics, the tech involved, and how the good guys need an edge to maintain a secure world should pick up a copy straight away.

A Thriller Novel for All?

Those who like a thriller with a complex plot that reflects how dangerous our perfect world can be will also find this story interesting. I started this project in 2018, and after a long journey, now bring it to you, the reader. It’s been a revelation on many levels for me, but knowing I can bring you into an invisible world via my book, and show you around? That’s the revelation which thrills me the most.

My website will get a content update and some upgrades over the coming weeks, so keep on checking in at Author Mulhall, where you will get the latest and greatest? My social is also active, so connect with me there for updates on the fly. Also, I do a questions and answers on Goodreads, so join me there anytime.

The last revelation I will share is this. As the project’s end is in sight, From Terror to Valor: Echoes and Shadows, is not the end for me. It is only the beginning. I hope you can join me on a journey that will be a wild ride. I have at the concept stage, a SciFi genre project, which is also thriller focused. It’s my hope to write it into series, along with sequels of From Terror to Valor. How it works out, well, that’s up to you, the reader. Exciting times ahead.

About the Author

John is a versatile author known for his gripping fiction narratives in the thriller, action, and suspense genres. With a background as a journalist since 2016, and expertise in cloud technologies as an engineer; John brings a unique blend of storytelling prowess and technical acumen to his work.

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