A light green background with the sun shining behind clothes hanging on a line, and a square piece of paper pinned to the line with "Final Draft" written on it.

A Journey Begins, Author Mulhall📚, Welcome to New Beginnings

Welcome to the launch of Author Mulhall📚. You are at the home of John A. Mulhall, novelist, writer, engineer and eternal optimist! So, with introductions out of the way; let’s explore my motivation to build this site, craft my debut novel, and then write about its’ many associated topics.

This site was not supposed to happen. I am a part-time journalist with Irish Tech News since 2016, and a cloud infrastructure engineer since 2018. In these roles, I learned the value of expeditiously conducted research. In 2018, I took it on myself to research my debut novel, “From Terror to Valor: Echoes and Shadows”.

This novel overlapped with own military experience in a tiny way. This also made my part-time research since 2018 an extensive undertaking. The more I researched, the more I knew this fiction novel about the Global War on Terror needed to be crafted to a very high standard.

Motivated and driven, my journey widened to the best strategy for debut author publishing, which finally led to a self-publishing strategy. This year, as my over budget debut novel was near completion, I came to a shocking realization. My decision to favour some managed platform service as a digital anchor did not survive a clinical marketing review.

This is when I realised that Author Mulhall📚 needed to become my digital anchor in my communication with you, the reader. About a month ago, I scrambled into long day mode to build authormulhall.com as a site. There, I set about designing and building this site.

What can Author Mulhall📚 can do?

Now, I can bring you news, and views of what is happening with my novels, our crazy world, and everything in between. The technical infrastructure deployed will also service a tech-related site in its early planning stages. More updates and exciting times to follow.

My initial set of news and blog articles will have a related category flavor to “From Terror to Valor: Echoes and Shadows”. Expect articles and analysis around politics, current affairs, security, and other areas that relate to my debut novel. Also of note is my interests stretching beyond the thriller genre to science fiction and fantasy as an example. 

In time, you can expect articles relating to those novels in-waiting. If it relates, it’s in! This is ideal for exploring real world theories and concepts behind the crafted story for your enjoyment. I’ve long held the belief that the best fiction writing has some kernel of fact in its core. Do you agree? Let me know in the comments below.

Author Mulhall📚 as a site, will start small with a simple menu selection including an about, latest author news, fiction novels portfolio, news hub and contact page. If you have an interest in reading novels in specific genres that are not included in the Fiction Novels Portfolio, please reach out to me via the Online Contact page. 

Who knows, we may be of like mind, as I have ideas that extend beyond the thriller genre. It would be my privilege to confirm we are in alignment. I hope you enjoy your visit to Author Mulhall📚, and to stay updated every one to two weeks, sign up to my newsletter on the home page, or opt-in when making a comment on this, or any other article.

About the Author

John is a versatile author known for his gripping fiction narratives in the thriller, action, and suspense genres. With a background as a non-fiction journalist since 2016, and expertise in cloud technologies as an engineer; John brings a unique blend of storytelling prowess and technical acumen to his work.

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